Founding Fathers Biography Poster Project for US History and Government



Looking for Founding Fathers activities? With this Founding Fathers Biography Poster, students will research specific facts about one of the Founding Fathers that established United States democracy and create a poster about them for American History or Government class.

Students will complete a scaffolded research project about George Washington, Alexander Hamilton, John Adams, James Madison, Thomas Jefferson, and Benjamin Franklin.

This is also a great project for Constitution Day! Students will research how these Founding Fathers influenced the American Revolution and the Constitution. These biography templates are great for helping all students access grade level content.

This Founding Fathers Biography Poster is great for US History, US Government, and Civics classes! You can also use this project on Presidents’ Day and only include Founding Fathers that were US Presidents.

You can use this activity as a review of the Revolutionary War, the Founding Fathers, and the writing of the Constitution. This is low prep for you and you can hang the posters around the classroom!

Teachers like you said:

  • “We used this during Founding Fathers Month. I split the class into groups and they used a teacher created nearpod to complete the boxes and then got to cut paste and color. The gallary walk was super fun but a bit time consuming. Students were highly engaged” – Desiree ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
  • “My students enjoyed working on this project! It was a great way to end our unit”- Minerva ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Also Available in US History Curriculum

This Founding Fathers Biography Poster is part of a full year U.S. History Curriculum. Click to see more about the highly discounted US History Curriculum Differentiated to Support All Students. Be prepared to teach American History with these projects, activities, and assessments that have been adapted to support ALL students in your classes!

These resources were designed to better support special education students and English Languages Learners.


Founding Fathers Biography Poster Description (26 Pages):

– Teacher Directions

– Printable Founding Fathers Poster Project Templates

  • George Washington, Alexander Hamilton, John Adams, James Madison, Thomas Jefferson, and Benjamin Franklin

– Grading Rubric

– Extension Activities (Jigsaw, Gallery Walk, or Presentations)


This can be a great Constitution Day project or Presidents Day project!

This Project is Also Included in a Unit

If you want an entire unit to teach that includes this Founding Fathers Biography Poster, check out this Unit on The Constitution

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Founding Fathers Biography Poster Project

Founding Fathers Biography Poster Project for US History and Government
