Native American Tribes Project

Introducing the Flipbook Native American Tribes Project!

Incorporate the Flipbook Native American Tribes Project in Your Classroom

Are you a middle or high school teacher looking for an engaging and interactive Native American tribes project? Look no further! This research project provides an exciting and fun hands-on opportunity for students to explore the history of various Native American tribes.

Let’s take a closer look at why this is such an invaluable educational resource.

native american tribes project

Native American Tribes Project

With the Native American Tribes project, students will research the culture, customs, and history of various Native American tribes. The flipbook is scaffolded to support students at different levels. Best of all, the directions are so clear that you can also use this project as sub plans!

Students will research about the lives of early Native Americans, such as the food they ate, clothing they wore, and types of housing with this project.

What Are The Benefits Of This Flipbook Research Project?

  • It encourages critical thinking and problem solving skills as students work through the project.
  • Includes a digital option!
  • Helps foster student understanding of different cultures by providing an up-close look at different aspects of each tribe’s culture and customs.
  • Gives students a chance to practice their research skills as they search for information on each tribe, and helpful links are included for students that need more support.
  • Encourages creativity!
  • Allows teachers to easily track student progress throughout the duration of the project thanks to its easy-to-use format.

This Native American Tribes Project is a great way for middle and high school teachers to bring history alive in their classrooms! This interactive resource encourages critical thinking, fosters cultural understanding, allows students to practice research skills, encourages creativity and collaboration all while providing an easy way for teachers to track progress along the way!

digital native american tribes project

Celebrating Native American Heritage Month in the Classroom

November is Native American Heritage Month, a time to celebrate and honor the rich culture and traditions of Indigenous people.

As educators, this month gives us an opportunity to teach our students about the history and contributions of Native Americans to our society. Teaching about Native American Heritage Month can be a powerful learning experience for students; it’s an important part of understanding the history and culture of the United States.

This Native American Tribes project is perfect for Native American Heritage Month!

When teaching your students about Native American Heritage Month, it is important to focus on both historical events and people.

Have your class discuss major events such as the Trail of Tears, Wounded Knee Massacre, and Indian Removal Act. Allow your students to explore primary sources (such as treaties, letters, photographs) related to these events. This will give them a deeper understanding of what happened during these times.

In addition to exploring historical events, you should also talk about some influential figures in Native American history such as Sitting Bull, Chief Joseph, Sacajawea, and so many more! Discuss their accomplishments and how they have shaped our nation today.

Your students can also research contemporary Indigenous people who are making a difference in their communities today.

Native American Heritage Month is an important time for educators to help students understand the long-standing traditions and significant contributions made by Indigenous peoples throughout U.S. History.

Through thoughtful discussion around historical events, exploration into influential figures in Native American culture, and supporting student research of Native American tribes – we can create meaningful learning experiences that foster appreciation amongst all learners!

You can use this project at any point during the school year, or you can assign it for Indigenous Peoples Day or Native American Heritage Month! Grab this flipbook Native American Tribes project todayyour students will love this project!

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Hi, I'm Kasey!

I create differentiated and scaffolded social studies resources for middle & high school students.